Ϛ੭ O silêncio, às vezes, nos traz significativas reflexões... ele nos permite avaliar as mais íntimas percepções, os mais secretos sentimentos... que, quando externados, mostram quem realmente somos... Talvez não seja preciso falar... Basta perceber, observar e sentir. ઇïઉ
sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2012
Sadness is a way to see life through bad eyes
It’s a kind of choice.
We choose it at the moment we stop fighting
In the moment that life stops shining
In the moment we stop understanding, for a moment,
The meaning of everything…
Sadness… It is hard to overcome it
‘Cause it makes us stop believing, for a moment.
We stop believing in many things
We stop believing, unfortunately, in ourselves
Sadness… It is hard to overcome it
Sometimes it is easy to kill it
It Depends on something we have inside
That makes us strong to face life:
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