Ϛ O silêncio, às vezes, nos traz significativas reflexões... ele nos permite avaliar as mais íntimas percepções, os mais secretos sentimentos... que, quando externados, mostram quem realmente somos... Talvez não seja preciso falar... Basta perceber, observar e sentir. ï

domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2011


Yesterday I “saw” him again......
The handsome guy was back in front my eyes
But I still can’t touch him
I still can’t see him truly, deeply…
He is happy; he seems to be happy…
His word flows normally…. Without me…
Oh, he is so gorgeous…
But this beauty is not only outside…
It’s in his gestures, his way to speak, in his eyes…
Oh, his eyes…
His eyes were equal: pure, distant, sincere…
I can’t describe myself when I see him
Something happens inside of me…
Admiration, friendship or enchantment?
I don’t know…
It’s difficult to explain…
It’s not to be explained…
It’s here only to be felt.

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