Ϛ O silêncio, às vezes, nos traz significativas reflexões... ele nos permite avaliar as mais íntimas percepções, os mais secretos sentimentos... que, quando externados, mostram quem realmente somos... Talvez não seja preciso falar... Basta perceber, observar e sentir. ï

domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2011

A sonnet for a handsome guy

It’s hard to explain what happened
When I saw his face for the first time…
His eyes passed something pure and sweet
And for a moment I thought “he will be mine”.

But life is not simple as we think:
The handsome guy lives so far, so far…
And the circumstances that we meet
Say that is not easy to gain this war.

Maybe he already loves someone
Maybe he wants to be alone
Maybe I’ll never know…

However, it’s clear that those eyes
Made me keep believing that
Reason leave us when feelings grow.

2 comentários:

  1. \O/ Q lindooo! "A handsome, special, polite and serious guy is not a dream" Acho q você está descrevendo Edward Cullen, kkkkkk, a diferença é q ele é ficção :) by:Gabriella Soares

  2. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Gaby, minha escritoraaa *-* Saudades!
